Doctor & Health Care Services Referrals List...
_______________________________________________________________________ List Sponsored By: WayneYeeDDSpc.COM 125 East 64th Street (at Park Ave./Lex.); New York, New York,; 10021; U.S.A. Emergencies: (646) 373-4774 (After work hours only); (917) 956-5245 (24 Hr Pager) Appointments: (212) 734-7508 Uptown, (212) 600-1011 Midtown Fax: (212) 734-7549 E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________
Wayne J. Yee, D.D.S., P.C. |
Dear Patients, The following Referrals List is provided only as a public service. I make a personal effort to insure that every Doctor on this list is of the highest caliber. In my opinion each has the same dedication to Service, Professionalism, and Quality of Patient Care as I do. Many I know personally as friends. Others I know for their excellent reputation based upon consistent positive remarks from other patients. Most are in Private Practice, and as such do not accept insurance. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any comments or concerns with any of my referrals. Your satisfaction in their professionalism is always important to me. Dr. Wayne J. Yee ________________________________________________________ Referral List:
| Cardiovascular, Clinical Nutrition, & Preventitive Medicine
Frederic J. Vagnini, M.D., F.A.C.S.; 944 Park Avenue; New York, N.Y. 10028; Tel. (212) 517-2500
| Dermatology
Dina Nicole Anderson, M.D. Office Hours By Appointment; 131 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10021; Phone (212) 717-8092
Law as it Relates to Health Care
Steve Seidman, M.D., J.D. (212) 286-8585 Office Hours by Appointment only. Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.
State of the Art Eyeglasses:
Dr. Joseph Y. Bistricer; 794 Lexington Avenue (Between 61st & 62nd Street); New York, N.Y. 10021; Tel. 212-755-8927
* Dr. Bistricer is a "Doctor for the Arts" Program Provider
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Adult & Child Psychology
(Speaks Fluent Russian and English)
Dr. Olga Pugehezsky: 347 5th Ave (@ 34th street), Suite #600 New York, NY 10016 (917) 689-3957
Adolescent & Child Psychiatry
Dr. Henry Paul: 12 East 88th Street, New York, NY, (212) 876-9075
Social Work & Marriage Counseling
Ivy Frankel, MSW: (212) 307-0151
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| Dental Specialists
Dr. Gil Perrone (Oral Surg.) 262 CPW 86th Street New York, NY 10024; (212) 496-6343
Dr. Allen Pollock (Periodontist in Oncology) 532 Park Ave., New York, NY 10021; (212) 486-1561 www.ParkAvePerio.Com
Dr. John A. Lupovici, PLLC (Periodontist) 50 Park Ave. (@37th Street); New York, NY 10016; Phone (212) 251-0030
Dr. Andrew Krieger (Endodontist) (212) 752-0404
Dr. Jillian Lim (Orthodontist) (212) 684-4677
Dental Referrals Outside of New York City Region: West Coast (USA) Dr. Stan Golden: (Hollywood/Beverly Hills, California area), 11777 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 521; Brentwood, CA 90049 Phone: (310) 820-0300 Region: Mid-West (USA) Dr. Donale Lenhardt Kramer: (Chicago/Milwaukee, Wisconsin Area), (262) 513-1331 Region: South (USA) Dr. Patricia Bobodillia, Prosthodontist: (Miami/Hollywood, Florida Area) (954) 456-1939 Region: South West (USA) Dr. Jim May, Orthodontist: (Texas) 713 665 6886
________________________________________________________________________ International Dental Referrals
The following Doctors are known to me personally or are highly recommended from patient referrals. If you do have the occasion to meet them, your comments concerning the quality of your care is greatly appreciated. I will update this list regularly based upon your experiences.
Cairo, Egypt |
| Cairo, Egypt:
Dr. Younis A. Zaki
Consultant, Oral Medicine, General Practicioner of Dental Surgery.
CLINIC PHONE# 071196, CELL# 123268367, BACK UP CELL# 2070882
Paris, France:
Dr. Benamara (General Dentistry) Paris, France Tel. # 014-227-1414
Dr. Francois Godet (Reconstructive & Aesthetic Dentistry) Paris, France Tel. # 014-076-0642
London, England:
Dr. Ian Kelly (General Dentistry, and Aesthetic Dentistry)
3638 Cornhill; London, England ECU33ND
(Located Near London Stock Exchange)
From USA: (011) + 44 + 207 623 0023; With in UK: 0 + 207 623 0023
Paris, France |
London, England |